Press release: Commemoration of the victims of the 1972 Olympic bombing

Since the establishment of the memorial for the victims of the Olympic bombing in 1999, the victims and their families as well as the survivors of the attack on the 1972 Israeli Olympic team have been commemorated every year at local level.

This year, too, an event will be held as a sign of remembrance and commemoration.

All citizens are invited to attend,

on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 11:00 a.m,

at the memorial in front of the main gate of the airbase in Fürstenfeldbruck

to be there.

District Administrator Thomas Karmasin will begin the commemorative event with a welcome and introductory words. The Israeli Minister of Economy, Nir Barkat, and Dr. h. c. Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, will address the guests with words of remembrance and commemoration of the twelve victims, their relatives and the survivors of the attack.

Simon Japha will provide musical accompaniment between the speeches. After a joint prayer by Rabbi Jochanan Guggenheim and Pastor Matthias Biber and a minute's silence, stones and flowers can be laid at the memorial site.

The Fürstenfeldbruck District Office would like to thank the town of Fürstenfeldbruck for its support.

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