The app

to the digital place of remembrance

In memory of the twelve people who lost their lives on September 5/6, 1972, the Fürstenfeldbruck district created a digital memorial in the form of an app and a website.

Download the app now

Click here for the explanatory video

Bug fixes

Find general questions and practical tips on troubleshooting when using the app.

General requirements

Settings within the app

The settings menu can be opened via the cogwheel symbol in the main menu at the top of the screen.

Access to Fürstenfeldbruck airbase

The grounds of the airbase are currently used by the German Armed Forces and are therefore only open to the public in exceptional cases upon request and approval.

Special app tours are organized by the district office at irregular intervals. Find out more at or from the digital memorial project team.

The two modes of the app: "Remote" / "At home" and "Onsite" / "On site"

The "Remote" mode is the standard and can be used from anywhere. The guided tour takes place in panoramic shots taken at the actual location. The panoramic shots show various positions at and on the Fürstenfeldbruck airbase.

The "Onsite" mode only works at Fürstenfeldbruck airbase. The app recognizes whether this mode can be used based on the GPS position of the end device.

(Mobile) Internet connection

An internet connection is required to download the app. All data is then available in the app and no further internet connection is required. Due to the size of the app, it is recommended to install the app in a WLAN network.

Augmented reality prerequisite

iOS: Apple devices must support ARKit. This software component requires at least iOS 11 and an A9 processor or newer. Apple lists the supported devices here: 

Android: Android devices must support ARCore and have the "Google Play services for AR" installed. Google lists the supported devices here:  

Operating system

The "Erinnerungsort 72" app can be installed on iOS devices with iOS 12.0 or higher. Android devices must have at least Android 9.0 installed.

As of October 2023, app version 1.0.8

Settings within the app

No augmented reality view on site at Fürstenfeldbruck airbase

Error: Although you are on site at Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base, the app starts in "Remote" mode.

Solution 1: The "Remote" mode may be active in the settings. Check in the app settings (gear icon in the main menu) whether the "App mode" button is active and deactivate it.

Solution 2: The GPS position may not have been within the tolerance limit at the start of the tour and the app has decided to start in "Remote" mode. Go back to the main menu and start the tour again.

Orientation in "Onsite" / "On site" mode is not correct

Error: Digital content is not displayed above real objects.

Solution: For technological reasons, a certain error tolerance cannot be ruled out. In rare cases, a device may have a GPS or compass error. Go back to the main menu to restart the current POI or close the app completely and restart it.

No control / navigation and user "stands" in objects

Error: User is standing in objects, no control is possible and no display for the next element is visible.

Solution: GPS is not activated and the app cannot display objects and the controls correctly. Allow GPS in the app settings, see above under "Permissions".

Known errors and solutions


The "RESET APP PROGRESS" button deletes all enabled responses of the clipboard feature and other settings so that the app can be experienced again.

App mode

This can be used to activate "Remote" mode. This option can be useful under certain circumstances if you are at Fürstenfeldbruck airbase. The "Onsite" mode is normally activated on the site using the GPS position. This can be overridden here so that "Remote" mode is used. For example, for demonstration purposes at events in the tower building if the weather is bad or for people who are unable to travel long distances.


The status for the authorizations for "GPS", "Camera" and "Pictures" (memory) is displayed here. A green tick indicates that authorization has been granted. If a red cross is displayed here, the blue "SETTINGS" button can be used to go directly to the app settings to grant the authorization(s).

Alternatively, permissions can be managed in the iOS or Android settings app.

iOS: "Settings" -> "Reminder location 72" 

-> "Location" -> "When using the app" and activate "Exact location".

-> Activate "Camera".

Android (different menu navigation depending on the device manufacturer): "Settings" -> "Apps" -> "Reminder location 72" -> "Permissions" -> "Location" -> "Allow access only while using the app" and activate "Use exact location".

Then (re)start the app.

GPS: GPS is essential for the functionality of the app. It is used for orientation and navigation, among other things.

Camera: The camera is essential for the function of the augmented reality features. Augmented reality enhances the camera image of the end device with digital content. This happens in "Onsite" mode and in "Augmented Reality Overview".

Pictures: A screenshot can be created for POI 7 (Point of Interest). In order for this to be shared, authorization to save images is required.


The "Erinnerungsort 72" app supports German and English. The selected language is derived depending on the setting of the end device. If the end device is set to German, the app also uses German as the language. The language can be changed at any time.


Are you having problems with the app, have you found a bug or would you like to provide feedback?

You can reach us by email at:

best way to help you with errors is to send details such as the manufacturer and device name of the end device, the iOS or Android version installed, the version of the "Erinnerungsort 72" app (can be found at the bottom of the legal notice) and a description of when the error occurred.